Quel au discours indirect?

Quel au discours indirect?

Discours direct ou discours indirect : la phrase ne change pas de sens….Discours direct ou indirect.

Discours direct Discours indirect
Demain le lendemain
Lucile a dit ‘Je reviendrai demain.’ Lucile a dit qu’elle reviendrait le lendemain.
Hier la veille
Elle m’a dit ‘Je les ai achetés hier.’ Elle m’a dit qu’elle les avait achetés la veille.

Quelle heure Est-il au discours indirect?

Discours indirect

Style direct Style indirect
Hier, hier matin, hier soir La veille, la veille au matin, la veille au soir
Avant-hier L’avant-veille, deux jours avant, deux jours plus tôt
Demain, demain matin, demain soir Le lendemain, le lendemain matin, le lendemain soir

Comment rapporter un discours?

Le changement de locuteur est indiqué par des guillemets ou des tirets. La ponctuation reproduit le ton et l’intention du nouveau locuteur peut être précisée par la présence d’un verbe de parole ou de pensée (dire ou l’un de ses synonymes) situé avant le propos, après le propos, ou en incise à l’intérieur du propos.

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What is indirect discourse?

Indirect discourse is “a combination of a character’s thoughts and the author’s words. In the case of indirect discourse, you don’t need italics.” The above words were emailed to me by Mark Spencer, Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Arkansas at Monticello.

What is direct and indirect speech?

Both direct and indirect speech are stylistic devices for conveying messages. The former is used as if the words being used were those of another, which are therefore pivoted to a deictic center different from the speech situation of the report.

What is an example of direct speech?

50 examples of direct and indirect speech Direct: Today is nice, said George. Indirect: George said that day was nice. Direct: He asked her, « How often do you work? » Indirect: He asked her how often she worked. Direct: He works in a bank. Direct I’m angry with you. Direct: I can help you tomorrow. Direct: I often have a big meat. Direct: Dance with me! Direct: Must I do the city?