Quand Lois apprend que Clark est Superman Smallville?

Quand Lois apprend que Clark est Superman Smallville?

Elle vit une période de doutes, assez difficile pour elle. Elle fait comprendre à Clark qu’elle peut gérer l’identité du Flou et celui-ci finit par lui révéler son secret (épisode 5) . Elle apprend à le connaître entièrement.

Comment Loïs apprend que Clark est Superman?

Au début de la Saison 3, après des années de travail ensemble, Loïs et Clark se déclarent enfin leur amour. Puis Loïs découvre le secret de Clark et ils se marient ensemble dans les premiers épisodes de la Saison 4. Elle est l’une des rares personne a connaitre l’identité de superman.

What is the relationship between Lana Lang and Lois Lane?

The relationship between Lana Lang and Lois Lane started off as a friendship, but later become an opposition as Lois’ feelings for Clark Kent began to surface. Lana and Lois first met when Lana helped Lois against a metal-morphing assassin at Chloe Sullivan ‘s supposed gravesite.

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Are Clark and Lois in love with Lana?

Clark and Lana share a dance. Lois and Lana became friends independently of Clark and organized Chloe’s birthday together. At this point, Lois had no romantic feelings for Clark. On the contrary, she often teased him even calling a stray dog « Clarkie ». After being possessed by Dawn Stiles, Lois agreed to accompany Clark to his prom.

Does Lois realize Lana is dating Lex?

Lois realizes Lana is dating Lex. When Lana’s relationship with Clark experienced trouble due to Clark’s consistent secretive nature, Lana confided in Lois. Lana often found Lois’ perspective refreshing, as when she confided in Chloe, she was also close to Clark, whereas Lois was impartial.

Who is Lana Lang in Smallville?

Lana Lang Cushing is a mortgage manager at Smallville Bank and a cheerleading coach of Smallville High School. She is also the daughter of an unnamed woman, wife of Kyle Cushing, and the mother of Sarah Cushing and Sophie Cushing . In Lana’s youth, she became friends with Pete and dated Clark Kent.