Quelle langue parle les Seychellois?

Quelle langue parle les Seychellois?

FrançaisCréole seychellois
Seychelles/Langues officielles

Langue parlée 95\% des Seychellois parlent le créole seychellois (seselwa), divisé en « créole fin » (très francisé), « gros créole » (populaire), « créole grand bois » (rustique), « gros créole mozambique » (populaire africain), à quoi il faut ajouter le créole œcuménique des médias.

Qui a colonisé Seychelles?

Les premiers Européens à faire escale aux Seychelles sont les Portugais. Vasco de Gama accoste aux Amirantes en 1502.

Is Seychelles a Muslim country?

Islam in Seychelles. However, unlike in other island states including the Comoros and Maldives , there were no permanent inhabitants in Seychelles until the French settlement in 1770. Today, the Muslim population of the islands is reported to be only 1.1\%, roughly 900 people. Many of its island neighbors in the southern Indian Ocean,…

What is the official language of Seychelles?

The national languages of Seychelles are Seychellois Creole, English and French. Seychellois Creole , a French-based creole language, is by far the most commonly spoken language in the archipelago and is spoken natively by about 95\% of the population.

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What are people from Seychelles called?

The citizens who live in the Seychelles Islands are called the Seychellois. There are a number of ethnic races represented in the Seychelles, most of which come from Africa. There are also significant numbers of Arabs, Indians, French, and Chinese. You will also see Polynesian , Indian, and Arcadian influences.

What country owns the Seychelles?

Seychelles is an archipelago nation, located in the Indian Ocean. The official name of the country is Republic of Seychelles. The major chunk of the current Seychellois population has immigrated to the island. The dominant ethnic groups belong to French, African, Indian and Chinese descent.