Comment savoir si sa vessie est descendue?

Comment savoir si sa vessie est descendue?

La descente d’organe n’est pas douloureuse et les principaux symptômes sont :

  1. impression de masse ou de pression dans le vagin ;
  2. sensation d’irritation dans le vagin ;
  3. troubles urinaires ;
  4. gênes lors de rapports sexuels.

Comment faire quand on a un rectocèle?

Le seul traitement d’une rectocèle symptomatique est chirurgical. La décision de traitement est surtout clinique. Le traitement repose sur la réparation de la cloison recto-vaginale. Les techniques de cure de rectocèle par voie trans-anale ou périnéale ont des avantages certains : simplicité, rapidité, bénignité.

What is the best treatment for cystocele?

If it is not bothersome, a mild cystocele may not require any treatment other than avoiding heavy lifting or straining that could cause the problem to get worse. Other potential treatment options include the following: Weight loss. Estrogen replacement therapy. Kegel exercises to strengthen the openings of the urethra, vagina and rectum.

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How long does it take to recover from cystocele repair?

Or they may use a drug that makes only the affected part of your body numb. The time it takes to recover depends on what the surgeon does. For the first few weeks, you should avoid strenuous exercise and sexual intercourse. You’ll probably have to take a few weeks off from work.

Which Doctor is best for doing cystocele repair?

Women with mild cystocele can opt for no treatment but surgery is necessary if the condition is already in a serious state. Heavy lifting that can cause further muscle strains should also be avoided. A gynecologist, urologist or urogynecologist are usually the ones who facilitate the surgery. Three Possibilities for Cystocele Repair

Can you fix a rectocele without surgery?

The vast majority of a patient’s symptoms associated with a rectocele can be managed effectively without surgery. It is very important to have a good bowel regimen in order to avoid constipation and straining with bowel movements.