Comment administrer Solumedrol?

Comment administrer Solumédrol?

Mode d’emploi et posologie du médicament SOLU-MÉDROL 500 mg et 1 g

  1. poussées de sclérose en plaques : 1 g par jour, en bolus, pendant 3 à 5 jours ;
  2. polyarthrite rhumatoïde, maladies rénales : 500 mg à 1 g par jour ;
  3. rejet de greffe : 10 à 20 mg par kg de poids et par jour.

Qu’est-ce qu’un bolus de cortisone?

Certaines maladies nécessitent même un traitement initial par voie intraveineuse à fortes doses (jusqu’à 1000 mg par jour de méthylprednisolone). C’est ce qu’on appelle un « bolus » de corticoïdes.

Comment passer un bolus de cortisone?

es “bolus” de glucocorticoïdes consistent en l’admi- nistration de fortes doses de glucocorticoïdes sur de courtes périodes (1 à 3 jours), le plus souvent par voie intraveineuse, mais parfois aussi par voie intramusculaire ou orale.

What is the active ingredient in Solu Medrol?

SOLU-MEDROL Sterile Powder is an anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid, which contains methylprednisolone sodium succinate as the active ingredient. Methylprednisolone sodium succinate, USP, is the sodium succinate ester of methylprednisolone, and it occurs as a white, or nearly white, odorless hygroscopic, amorphous solid.

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What is the recommended dose of Solu Medrol for bradycardia?

Bradycardia has been reported during or after the administration of large doses of methylprednisolone sodium succinate, and may be unrelated to the speed or duration of infusion. When high dose therapy is desired, the recommended dose of SOLU-MEDROL Sterile Powder is 30 mg/kg administered intravenously over at least 30minutes.

How do you administer Solu Solu Medrol?

SOLU-MEDROL may be administered by intravenous or intramuscular injection or by intravenous infusion, the preferred method for initial emergency use being intravenous injection. To administer by intravenous (or intramuscular) injection, prepare solution as directed.

What is the contraindication for Solu Medrol 40 mg?

The SOLU-MEDROL 40 mg presentation includes lactose monohydrate produced from cow’s milk. This presentation is therefore contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to cow’s milk or its components or other dairy products because it may contain trace amounts of milk ingredients. For intrathecal administration.