Qui fait transpirer synonyme?

Qui fait transpirer synonyme?


  • suer, dégouliner, être en eau, être en nage, être en sueur, ruisseler.
  • suinter, dégoutter, exsuder, perler, se répandre, sourdre.
  • s’ébruiter, se faire jour, s’éventer, filtrer, percer, se montrer, se répandre, se révéler.

Qui ne doit pas transpirer synonyme?

Autres synonymes possibles

Synonyme Nombre de lettres
Lessivas 8 lettres
Sécréter 8 lettres
Ébruites 8 lettres
Ébruiter 8 lettres

Quel est le synonyme de transpire?

Synon. s’exhaler, exsuder. Les humeurs transpirent au travers de la peau (Ac.).

Qui fait fondre mots fléchés?

Qui fait fondre

Nombre de lettres Catégorie Définitions
5 DILUE Verbe 79
5 EMEUT Verbe 114
5 EMUES Adjectif 56
5 FILER Verbe 124

Qu’est-ce que la Diaphorese?

diaphorèse n.f. Fonction de la peau aboutissant à l’excrétion de la sueur.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of transpiration?

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Public transport is not under your control,the timings are never correct and sometimes do not suit you.

  • Public transport drivers are very rash and driver miserably which is hazardous to passengers
  • Sometimes they do not stop at the designated stops and one has to keep waiting
  • What factors affect transpiration?

    The Environmental Factors Affecting Transpiration: This environmental factor affects transpiration by removing that thin moist layer of air, called boundary layer , which lies next to the surface of a leaf. This moist air causes a lesser water potential gradient from the leaf resulting to reduced rate of transpiration.

    What are the different steps of transpiration?

    Transpiration Water is passively transported into the roots and then into the xylem. The forces of cohesion and adhesion cause the water molecules to form a column in the xylem. Water moves from the xylem into the mesophyll cells, evaporates from their surfaces and leaves the plant by diffusion through the stomata

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    What is the difference between transpiration and guttation?

    The Difference between transpiration and guttation are : Transpiration occurs through stomata, cuticle and lenticels and Water is lost in the form of water vapour. Guttation occurs through hydathodes in the leaves and It is exuded in the form of liquid.
