Ou est ne Ali Ibn Abi Talib?

Où est né Ali Ibn Abî Tâlib?

La Mecque, Arabie saouditeKaaba
Ali ibn Abi Talib/Lieu de naissance

Quand est mort Ali Ibn Abî Tâlib?

29 janvier 661 ap. J.-C.
Ali ibn Abi Talib/Date d’assassinat

Comment est mort le prophète Ali?

L’islam n’est plus un, mais plusieurs, l’autorité divisée entre la dynastie syrienne des Omeyyades à Damas et les chiites qui se replient à Koufa en Irak. Comme un malheur n’arrive jamais seul, Ali est assassiné en janvier 661 par un kharidjite assoiffé de vengeance.

Who was Hazrat Ali (Ra)?

Hazrat Ali (RA) belonged to the tribe Quraish and the family of Bani Hashim in Makah. He was born In the Holy Kabah in Mecca on Friday, 13th Rajab 23 BH. He (RA) was the son of Hazrat Abu Talib (RA) the uncle of Holy Prophet (SAW), who had nourished and brought up Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).

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What are the characteristics of Hazrat Ali?

Hazrat Ali (RA) was well known for his bravery during battles against the non-believers. He also possessed the necessary personality traits of the firm belief in Allah and His Messenger (SAW), humbleness, gratefulness, and true insight of the Quranic Instructions.

How long was the reign of Hazrat Ali (Ra)?

The overall reign of Hazrat Ali (RA) lasts for almost 5 years. Hazrat Ali (RA) was not only a great warrior but a great scholar as well. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said about him, “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate.” He (RA) had an incredible amount of command over the teachings of Islam, especially in the Holy Quran.

What is the relationship between Hazrat Ali (Ra) and Fatima (Ra)?

He (RA) got the honor of becoming the Son in Law of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and transforming their ever closer relationship with a family bond. Both Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hazrat Fatima (RA) lived a well-satisfied life and had 5 children, namely: Hassan (RA), Hussain (RA), Zainab (RA), Umm Kalthum (RA), and Mohsin (RA), who died in his early childhood.

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