Quelle est la difference entre un commissaire aux apports et un expert comptable?

Quelle est la différence entre un commissaire aux apports et un expert comptable?

L’expert-comptable atteste la cohérence et vraisemblance des comptes auprès de l’administration fiscale. Le commissaire aux comptes (CAC) contrôle les comptes annuels au moyen d’un audit légal. C’est-à-dire qu’il vérifie, en quelque sorte, le travail de l’expert-comptable.

Quelle est la différence entre un auditeur et un expert-comptable?

L’expertise comptable et l’audit comptable L’expertise comptable englobe divers métiers de la comptabilité, notamment ceux de l’expert-comptable, de risk manager et de directeur comptable. Pour sa part, l’audit comptable consiste en la vérification de la sincérité des comptes de l’entreprise.

What’s the difference between an expert and a specialist?

As nouns the difference between specialist and expert is that specialist is someone who is an expert in, or devoted to, some specific branch of study or research while expert is a person with extensive knowledge or ability in a given subject. Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?

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What is the difference between a master and an expert?

As nouns the difference between master and expert is that master is someone who has control over something or someone or master can be (nautical|in combination) a vessel having a specified number of masts while expert is a person with extensive knowledge or ability in a given subject.

How can expertise be defined?

How can expertise be defined? « Expertise is consensually defined as elite, peak, or exceptionally high levels of performance on a particular task or within a given domain , » explained researcher Lyle E. Bourne, Jr. of the University of Colorado, Boulder and his colleagues in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

How do you spell expertise?

You have spelled the word correctly in the question, that is, the word is spelled expertise. It is pronounced phonetically as ‘eck (as in check) – spur (as in spurt) – tease’.