Quels sont les services detenu par Google?

Quels sont les services détenu par Google?

Nous vous présenterons donc les services suivants : Gmail, Drive, Maps, Earth, Youtube, Blogger, Play Livres, Actualités, Traduction, Google+, Hangouts, Orkut, Google Now (intégré à Search), Keep, My Tracks, Snapseed et enfin Google Play Musique.

Quand a été créé Google+?

28 juin 2011
Google+/Dates de lancement

Qui remplace Google+?

Or, comme l’explique Google, « Currents vient remplacer Google+ pour G Suite avec un nouvel aspect, un nouveau design et de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Tous les contenus de votre organisation existant sur Google+ seront automatiquement transférés sur Currents lorsque vous vous inscrirez à la bêta ».

Is there a new version of Google+?

Frequently asked questions about the Google+ shutdown To help you navigate the consumer Google+ shutdown, here’s a list of common questions that may come up for you during this process. As more information becomes available, we’ll add it here. A new version of the Google+ Android app was released on February 21, 2019.

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What’s happening to Google+?

What’s happening? On April 2, 2019 we are shutting down the consumer (personal) version of Google+, a social network by Google. If you want, you can download and save your Google+ data; this may take time so get started before March 31, 2019.

What is the impact of the Google+ Update on YouTube?

Some YouTube functionality that was built with Google+ may be impacted including channel art and channel icon editing on mobile, private video sharing to Google+ circles, links to Google+ profiles on YouTube channel pages, Google+ custom URLs for channel pages, and commenting with outdated versions of the YouTube mobile app. Learn more

What will happen to my events on Google+ in March 2019?

All events created in Google+ will be removed from Google Calendar and birthdays of people in your Google+ Circles will no longer be displayed (birthdays from your Contacts will not be affected) as early as March 11, 2019. Events created from Google Calendar will not be impacted.